

策驰影视第一时间收录《陌生人的爱(国语)》并提供免费在线观看。《陌生人的爱(国语)》上映于 2002年,是一部意大利制片出品,的剧情片,。
Successful businessman Thomas (about 55), who has chosen to live in Rome, has dedicated his whole life to his work. When his kind and understanding wife Elisa dies, however, his life takes a turn for the worse. His daughter Beatrice, who has broken off her studies and is now living in a mission in India, is more eager than ever to stay there now that her mother has died. Thomas...策驰影视不参与《陌生人的爱(国语)》的影视资源制作、录制、上传与存储,当前播放线路分别由网络资源网采集。有关《陌生人的爱(国语)》的后续高清完整版本资源会陆续放出,敬请关注。

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